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Ep. 79 - How to Have More Fun in Parenting

Jun 07, 2023

As parents, we often get caught up in the everyday tasks and responsibilities of raising our children. We forget the importance of taking a step back and finding joy and wonder in our parenting journey. In this episode, we are joined by Mike Rucker, an organizational psychologist and author of "The Fun Habit: How the Disciplined Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life," to discuss the importance of finding joy and wonder in parenting.

Mike emphasizes the importance of emotional flexibility and shared control with children to create positive relationships and memories. He suggests that parents should focus on finding enjoyable activities with their children, rather than just scheduling activities out of duty. By doing so, parents can create lasting memories and positive experiences for both themselves and their children.

Mike explains that finding joy and wonder in parenting is not just about having fun or entertaining our children. It is about creating meaningful and positive relationships with them that will last a lifetime. When we prioritize the emotional connection we have with our children, we are building a foundation for a healthy and happy family dynamic.

One of the key components of finding joy and wonder in parenting is emotional flexibility. As parents, we must be able to adapt to our children's emotional needs and meet them where they are at. This means being able to listen, understand, and validate their emotions, even when we may not fully agree or understand them.

Mike suggests that we can develop emotional flexibility by practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment. By focusing on the here and now, we can better tune in to our children's emotional needs and respond appropriately. This can lead to deeper connections and more positive interactions with our children.

Another important aspect of finding joy and wonder in parenting is shared control. Mike explains that children thrive when they feel a sense of control over their environment and their activities. When we allow our children to have a say in what they do and how they do it, we are giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility that can build confidence and self-esteem.

Mike suggests that parents can practice shared control by involving their children in decision-making processes, such as choosing family activities or deciding on household rules. By giving our children a voice and a sense of agency, we can create a more positive and enjoyable family dynamic.

But finding joy and wonder in parenting isn't just about our children - it's also about us as parents. Mike explains that when we prioritize our own enjoyment and well-being, we are better equipped to parent with a positive attitude and mindset. This means taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally, and making time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

Mike suggests that parents can prioritize their own well-being by setting aside dedicated time for self-care activities, such as exercise, hobbies, or relaxation. By taking care of ourselves, we are better equipped to handle the everyday stresses and challenges of parenting, and we can approach our role with a more positive and optimistic outlook.

Finding joy and wonder in parenting is about prioritizing the emotional connection we have with our children, practicing emotional flexibility and shared control, and prioritizing our own well-being. When we approach parenting with a positive and joyful mindset, we can create lasting memories and positive experiences for ourselves and our children.

To learn more about Mike Rucker, please visit

“The Fun Habit: How the Disciplined Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life” is available now at booksellers everywhere.

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